
“Communities that foster positive interactions and relationships between children, peers and adults strengthen children’s outcomes”.
-Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority


Wellbeing is a priority for all students, staff and families at HPS.  Wellbeing encompasses Belonging and Safety, Resilience and Persistence and Cognitive Engagement.
Wellbeing is woven into all areas of learning.

At HPS, teachers and leaders focus on wellbeing by providing structured lessons with a Wellbeing focus, play opportunities that promote and enhance positive behaviour strategies and supports, provide and support opportunities for community connections across classes, year levels and with the wider community and work collaboratively to support learner needs.

In 2024, 2 Wellbeing Support Officers will be working in classrooms to support teachers to enhance positive relationships, connection and belonging. The WSO’s will also provide structured Recess and Lunch clubs daily to ensure inclusive and supported activities help to foster a sense of belonging. These will include physical, social, emotional and cognitive focused activities. The aim is to reach a variety of students and focus on ‘wholechild’ development. Community members may be invited to volunteer with these activities as a means of further enhancing community connection, partnerships, supports and Wellbeing.

School and families work in partnership to develop and maintain positive and rich wellbeing.

The following resources are suggested for families to support and strengthen children’s wellbeing.


Bullying NO WAY!
Student Wellbeing Hub
Equal Opportunities for Schools
National Centre for Bullying
CyberSafety ACMA
Online Safety
Australian Cyber Security Centre
Australian Curriculum: Health and Physical Education   https://www.australiancurriculum.edu.au/f-10-curriculum/health-and-physical-education/