
Out of School Hours Sport
Out of School Hours Sport begins from Year 2. The availability of the sport is determined by the number of children interested and the availability of parent volunteer coaches. A Sports Committee comprises of a Governing Council representative, school leadership, a teacher and/or coordinator of each sport which manages all Out of School Hours Sports at Hawthorndene Primary School.

Registrations forms are available online.
Term 1 and 4 sports include:  Cricket and Softball
Term 2 and 3 sports include: Netball and Soccer
Annual registration: Basketball

The HPS sports policy can be located on the school website.

School Sport SA (formally SAPSASA)

In addition to Out of School Hours Sports the following opportunities happen during the school day and are facilitated by School Sport SA (Formerly known as SAPSASA).

KNOCKOUT – School Organises Registration and coordinates transport

These competitions (netball, soccer, cricket, basketball) are played against other schools in the Metro Adelaide area and are open to students in Year 5 and 6 to participate in. They run in the format of knock-out style wherein the team plays until they lose. It could be 1 game or several. Communication is sent via Audiri. It is very important that you respond to these communications as teams need to be registered in short time frames.

DISTRICT CARNIVALS – School Organises Registration and coordinates transport

There are 3 district carnivals held during the year that are open to students born in 2012, 2013, 2014.

  • Swimming carnival
  • Athletic Carnival
  • Cross Country


Swimming Carnival If your child belongs to a swimming club (squads) or surf lifesaving club, they can nominate to participate. Parents will be asked to supply personal best times for each of the events they wish to nominate for if there are several participants nominating.

Athletic Carnival Events will include: 100m, 200m 800m, high jump, long jump, discus and shot put. There is no need to have formal training for these events and it is always wise to nominate for as many events as possible in case a vacancy does arise.

Cross Country Held at Belair National Park


INDIVIDUAL DISTRICT TEAM TRIALS – Parents Organise Registration and coordinates transport

There will be some sport carnivals held throughout the year, where families can choose to nominate their child to trial for a spot in the District Team. They are open to students in Year 5 and 6 to participate in. Information will be sent about when these are, but it is up to the individual parents to enter the nomination and organise transport/supervision.



There is usually a nominal fee that is required for each sport ranging from $3-$15 per event. That information will be supplied once registrations are finalised and teams are endorsed.

There is always a need for parent volunteers to help in transport students to and from events. If we are unable to get enough support, matches will be forfeited. In cases where there are many students participating, buses may be used to transport athletes and fees will be calculated

To volunteer at HPS, you must be registered. Visit for more information.

If you have any questions please contact Jye Wootton (PE teacher/Sports Coordinator)  at

Sports Registration

Term 1 and 4

Term 2 and 3
